Home plate seen through a chainlink fence.

Adults are Ruining Youth Sports!

—Randy Corwin, author Obnoxious Parents and Ruthless Coaches

  • I have a “short complaint” about the umpire

    Part XVI of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! You’ve just gotta love “complainers”, especially when we’re talking about organizations like recreational town youth sports leagues that are run by volunteers. In typical youth baseball leagues,…

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  • The home team can’t lose because of a call like that!

    Part XV of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! In a summer all-star-travel team playoff elimination game of fifteen-year olds, two evenly matched teams played a very close game, in front of a large crowd of…

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  • Spoiling the perfect season of a clueless coach

    Part XIV of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! A long time ago (but NOT in a galaxy far, far away) I was the manager for my son’s eleven-year old summer all-star travel team. We had…

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  • Hey Ump- We wanna “talk” to you!

    Part XIII of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! After umpiring a game of 11 year olds, four very large, very angry dads, parents of players whose team had just blown a ten run lead to…

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  • Some sticky situations I’ve had to handle as an umpire

    Part XII of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! Here’s a couple of sticky situations that have happened to me during my illustrious umpiring career: Next time I’ll talk about a game I umpired where I…

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  • How misbehaving adults in youth sports makes other miserable

    Part XI of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! Here are some situations where misbehaving adults in youth sports make life miserable for others: 1) How about one coach challenging another coach to a fight in…

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  • Effects of bad behavior by adults in youth games

    Part X of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! When parents or coaches “lose it and go ballistic” during a youth baseball game, what happens? Lots of things, and none of them are good. For example,…

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  • Why parents and coaches act like lunatics at youth games

    Part VIIII of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! Since I have a degree in Psychology, let me “analyze” why some parents and coaches behave like lunatics during baseball games or other youth sports. First, let…

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  • Why is winning all that matters to parents & coaches?

    Part VIII of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! So why is winning youth baseball games so damn important to parents and coaches, when all the kids playing care about is having fun? Why are some…

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  • Why do parents and coaches abuse officials?

    Part VII of Why Youth Sports Umpires and Referees are Calling it Quits! Why do parents and coaches (who are often also parents of players) mistreat umpires and referees in youth games so badly that they decide to stop officiating?…

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